Anjali Kaur

Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Asia

United States of America
Änjali Kaur wields comprehensive development experience at the community, country and global levels. She is deeply acquainted with the Indo-Pacific region, where she has lived and worked for more than two decades. Her work includes multilateral engagements with UNFPA, UNICEF and the World Bank, as well as major philanthropic actors such as the Gates Foundation and local and international nonprofits. She is widely recognized for successfully working across sectors to develop partnerships and generate innovative strategies, program designs, and resource mobilization initiatives. The Biden-Harris Administration nominated Änjali to serve as USAID's Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia, where she oversees programs and strategies in the South and Central Asia subregions. She provides technical assistance across USAID's 34 partner countries in the Indo-Pacific region, guiding plans to provide life-saving COVID-19 emergency assistance and address the effects and root causes of climate change and food insecurity.


PL 3
Making a Difference: Taking Action on the Ground

17.00 - 18.00 (BKK)