Ritu Sadana

Head, WHO Secretariat, Council on the Economics of Health for All

Dr Ritu Sadana is Head of the Secretariat supporting the WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All, based at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. She currently manages its research team and ensures the development of the Council’s products and engagements with Council Members and a wide range of stakeholders. Ritu is also Head, Ageing and Health Unit, at WHO, where she was lead author of WHO’s baseline report for the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing. She is also principal investigator of WHO’s efforts to connect healthy development and healthy ageing, to put in practice a life course approach across multiple sectors. She holds a Doctor of Science degree from Harvard University and Master of Science degree from UCLA, with expertise in economics, epidemiology, demography and health policy, and has over 150 scientific and policy publications.


PS 3.2
Transforming the Economy for Health Equity and Environmental Sustainability

08.30 - 10.30 (BKK)