Side Meetings


Jordan: the Nexus of Climate Change, Environment and Health Emergencies


  • 14:00 - 17:30 HRS. (BKK)

  • Venue : Lotus Suite 1

  • Contact Person : John Mckay,

  • USAID/Jordan

Across the globe climate change is impacting human lives and health systems. As one of World’s most water-scarce countries with high levels of antimicrobial resistance and increasing NCD rates Jordan is on the forefront of the climate change, environment and health emergencies nexus. If not addressed the collective impact has the potential to undermine decades of public health progress in the Kingdom. Specifically, this meeting will explore this topic through the lens of food security/water resources, antimicrobial resistance and emerging pandemics. The case study of Jordan will provide for constructive dialogue on how we as program designers and policy makers can begin to address a truly multi-faceted problem.

- To generate awareness on the unique challenges Jordan and how policy makers can begin to address them. 

- Through the discussion to generate ideas and thinking on innovative ways to address this.